If you have a felony conviction and are struggling to get a good paying job, consider looking for work in fields such as construction, manufacturing, food processing, mechanical
Many felons looking for work consider going into the medical field, because there are plenty of high paying job opportunities all across the US. However, the reality is
One of the biggest challenges that every felon has to face after getting out of prison is finding suitable housing. Some people are lucky enough to have family
Having a felony on your record can make it very difficult to find steady employment, and often ex-cons can go for months without income. One option to consider
If you have a felony conviction and are struggling to find employment, try landing an assistant job. Every business or company needs an assistant to perform a wide
While there are many different college careers for felons, you should think about what jobs will be available to you after you finish your degree. The right college
Finding a job with a felony is be a real struggle. However, there are a number of different high paying jobs for felons out there. Particularly, the IT