How To Get A Section 8 Voucher With A Felony
For many felons, finding affordable housing is a major struggle. One popular type of housing assistance for felons is the Section 8 choice voucher program.
Section 8 is a federally funded rental assistance program that exists in every state. It allows eligible individuals and families to rent an apartment from a participating landlord at a heavily discounted rated of about 60-70%
There are very strict eligibility guidelines, so many people with a criminal record get turned down. Still, while it is by no means easy to get Section 8, it can be one of the best long-term housing solutions for felons.
Here is what you need to know about eligibility, application process, wait time and how the Section 8 program works.
Can felons get Section 8 housing?
According to Federal Regulations there are two felonies that automatically disqualify you from federally funded low income and subsidized housing programs. If you have one of these, you should NOT bother applying.
1. You have a lifetime registration on the sex offender registry
2. You have been convicted of the manufacture or production of methamphetamine (meth) in federally assisted housing.
Note, these two rules would apply to any member of your household on your application, and would disqualify you all as a family.
In addition to the federal regulations, each state has its own set of eligibility criteria that may disqualify some felons from applying.
Since the 1990’s many state and county Housing Authorities have adapted very strict eligibility guidelines in order to keep crime rates down within low income housing.
As a result, these new regulations may make it more difficult for some felons to qualify for the program.
HUD rules for felons
HUD uses the following guidelines to determine if someone with a felony convictions can be eligible for public housing:
– Your felony should be older than 5 years. Some places, like San Francisco Housing Authority have a 10 year requirement.
In some cases, your application may be accepted before the five year period if you have gone through a rehabilitation program and have a certificate of compliance.
You may be disqualified in the following situations:
You have been convicted of certain violent crimes, certain types of fraud, drug trafficking. (If you have such a conviction, you need to call your local Housing Authority and ask if you should apply).
You or a household member on the application has a documented history of drug and/or alcohol abuse.
There is a personal or family history of poor relationships with neighbors in your previous living arrangements. This can be fighting, bullying, verbal assaults, disturbance of peace, etc.
History of defaulting on your rent payments. Its important to note, that if you have always made at least 50% of your rent, but just were not financially able to pay in full, this situation will NOT be counted against you.
We strongly recommend that you either go to your local Housing Authority or call them, to find out what the eligibility criteria are in your area before you start filling out the paperwork.
How To Apply For Section 8 Housing
You should apply to as many local Housing Authorities as possible. You may find that some local Section 8 waiting lists have been closed and are no longer accepting applications.
You should always ask when the list will reopen again and check back to apply at that time.
When you apply as a felon, there will be a lot of paperwork involved and a number of different documents required from you.
First and most important, there will be a formal criminal background check. Thus, there is no point in trying to apply and lie on the application about your felony.
Here is a list of documents you will need to put together in order to apply (this list may be slightly different depending on the program. Always looks for specific guidelines on the HUD application).
-Standard Application (you can get it online on the website for your state’s Housing Authority, or at a local HUD office).
– Proof of citizenship/legal status
– Birth certificates
– Social Security number
– Pay stubs (at least 3 months, but many places require 6 or more months of proof of income)
– Bank statements
– Criminal background check
– Credit Score Check
– Tax forms
– Statement from government agencies about benefits, such as welfare payments or food stamps
– Proof of current residence
– list of all places you lived in the past 5 years.
Its very important NOT TO leave any gaps, even though it may be tempting to leave out a landlord that you may have had a bad relationship with. Any gaps you leave will still look bad and may potentially disqualify you.
Be sure to check the DEADLINE for the application and submit ON TIME!!! If you miss the deadline, the list will close. In many cases it does not reopen for at least 6-12 months.
Once you submit the application, you will need to go to a personal interview with a representative from the Housing Authority. This is your chance to state your case, and convince the official that you will be an exemplary tenant who will not cause any disturbance.
It is also a good idea to mention that you have a felony and to talk about the steps you have taken to be a productive citizen.
The Housing Authority may decide to call your previous landlords to get a sense of how you were as a tenant. It would be great if you could provide references of landlords who would say good things about you.
For your records, be sure to make copies of the application and of all the documents you have submitted. It is also helpful to start a log where you keep track of when and where you have applied, any follow up phone calls, etc.
Being organized will help you a great deal in this process, because often times agencies loose paperwork, and will require you to produce what they need fast.
Section 8 criminal background check
Anybody applying for section 8 housing must go through a mandatory criminal background check. This means that any felonies and misdemeanors you have had in the past will be uncovered. The PHA has the authority to terminate or deny your application based on the findings of the background check.
Even if you are not the primary applicant, but are part of the household that is applying for the voucher, you will still need to submit to a background check. PHAs make every effort to avoid giving Section 8 vouchers to individuals who may pose any type of threat or unrest to people living in public housing.
Furthermore, private landlords are legally allowed to run their own criminal background checks on prospective tenants who present a Section 8 voucher and want to rent an apartment or house.
Can you get Section 8 with no income?
Many ex-cons struggle with finding legal employment and often have no income to show for. The good news is that even if you have no job and no income, you can still be eligible for Section 8.
This is because HUD rules state that your income must be less than 50% of the median income in your area. Having 0 income qualifies under this rule.
Moreover, if you have a family member who has a felony conviction and no job, and he is applying with you for Section 8, your application will not be disqualified because of this person.
Who has priority?
If you will be found eligible, there are a number of situations that will push your application to the top. Your wait time can be reduced to as little as a couple of months.
You may get priority if:
1. You are currently living in a shelter or on the streets
2. Have a serious medical emergency
3. Your current apartment is condemned
4. You pay more than 50% of your income for rent
6. You are facing domestic violence
7. You are being evicted through no fault of your own
8. You are a local resident
Can a felon live with someone on Section 8?
There are many people who want to apply for section 8 housing, but a member of their household has a felony conviction. In this case, will their application be turned down?
The same rules would apply as for a felon who is the primary applicant for subsidized housing (see above). Registered sex offenders and methamphetamine drug traffickers are banned for life from applying to public housing. Most other types of convictions are reviewed by the local PHA on a case by case basis.
However, if someone already lives in Section 8 housing, and a convicted felon wants to join them in their living arrangement, the current tenant is obligated by law to report this updated situation to their local PHA. Based on the above criteria, the PHA will determine whether a felon can be allowed to live with the section 8 recipient.
Failure to report someone with a felony who started living with you in Section 8 housing can result in permanent termination of your benefits. In many cases, you may never be allowed to get public housing assistance again.
Having an unauthorized guest
If you have a friend or family member who is a convicted felon and wants to stay with you in your housing for a few days, there are strict guidelines you must follow.
First, you must ask permission from your landlord and local PHA and disclose that the guest has a felony. Depending on what the charges are, this person may not be allowed to stay with you. You must follow the rules, otherwise, you will be committing fraud.
Moreover, if a felon is allowed to stay in your house, he/she can only live with you for no more than 14 consecutive days. If they stay longer, and someone reports this, you voucher will be taken away.
How long does the application process take?
Typically, any type of subsidized housing is EXTREMELY popular and the wait can be very long. This is especially true in large cities across the US. In these areas, Section 8 wait time can be as long as 2-4 years. In less competitive areas you can expect to wait 6-12 months.
When you are on the wait list, it is important to check in once in 2-3 months to make sure that you are on the active list and that your place in line is moving.
If you live in an area where the wait time is very long, but you can move to a less competitive location, it may be a good idea to do so.
Applying in smaller towns may significantly reduce your wait time. Of course, this has to be balanced with your job and family obligations, and making a move may not always be an easy thing to do.
How does the choice housing voucher work?
Once you receive your voucher, you can start looking for a private apartment, where a landlord is participating is the Section 8 program.
It is important to realize that you will also need to go through the interview with the landlord before they will agree to sign the lease with you. All landlords conduct their own criminal background check and call references.
Be prepared that a landlord may turn you down because of your felony. When you interview with landlords, be honest about your past and discuss how you have changed. Be sure to have great references.
With the voucher, you will be paying 30% of your monthly gross income for rent. The rest is covered by the government and paid out directly to the landlord.
You will need to sign a 12 month lease with this landlord.
Once you leave a rental, you don’t loose your voucher, you will be able to use it again at your next place of residence.
Who can help with housing search and application?
If you feel that searching for an applying for Section 8 is too hard and confusing, there are a few places to seek help.
First, there are local Housing Search Agencies and Community Action Programs (CAPs), where workers will help you start the search for the right housing programs, and can assist with filling out the application.
You can also try a local Housing Consumer Education Center (HCEC), as they too provide search and application assistance.
Finally, if you have a family with children and are already homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, you should contact your local Department of Transitional Assistance office (DTA). They can help you search for housing and get priority status.
My brother is on Medicare paid for mental issues he has two felonies for selling marijuana over 30 years ago I can no longer take care of him because of my health is he eligible for any help and housing or do the marijuana convictions make him ineligible
Sent message earlier concerning my brother and marijuana charges he is not on Medicare it is Medicaid I typed it wrong
I got charge with possession to attempt to sell 300 pounds of Marijuana. My wife live in section 8 can I live with her. We have 2 children toghter
Depends on how old the felony is
My son has a felony it’s for an habitual driver. He was caught coming home from work. He needed to work and lost license years ago for drunk driving.. Trying to get back now. Can he get on hud. Indiana state
My husband had to register for a period of 10 years, September it will be over. I just found out I am pregnant and we have two other kids. His ex wife is now homeless and we have their twins as well. No way can we afford housing on out own for 5 kids with us. I am in NC, I wonder if I will get approved
My husband is a felon and as a result we have had the hardest time finding a place to rent, he has PTSD is a clean and sober mentor is a US Army veteran and is disabled and unable to work, he’s had a really had life and just wants to do the right thing and stay out of trouble but nobody will help us, he’s not able to go to a shelter due to his PTSD and we have a service dog that is over some restrictions like weight and breed, he has been chronically homeless for 30+ years and I’m homeless and have been for going on a little over 5, I am also disabled, and the fact that we’re living in a tent and will have to move tomorrow morning to another place to just move again because people would rather complain about the homeless rather than help the homeless is in my opinion and probably the options of other people that are also an abomination, yes we’re houseless but we’re still human and we still have feelings and emotions and cities like Portland OR treat us like cattle, my husband can’t go anywhere because I would be at camp alone and he refuses to let me be unsecured, and unprotected, so I go do our shopping, I go pay our bills, I did have a part time job but had to quit because my husband fell ill and I became very worried about him. I’ve looked everywhere for the possibility of getting a place and no one is willing to help us. It’s really sad that if you are low income or disabled that you don’t matter even if you weren’t before and are now.
I have felonies for drugs and was wondering if i am eligibile. I’ve gone to treatment n successfully completed. Im on probation n im doing good
I’m a felony got charged in 2017 explopoing I’m homeless my daughter and I waiting for a bed at welcome house
I’ve been on the waiting list since 2013 in between that time I gained 2 felonies with strikes one violent strike robbery & a serious strike for residential burglary with these stop near from getting approved ?? & how long is the wait ?
From what I read, felonies stay on record for 5 years from when you commit them. The wait time is 5 years after you have been charged with a felony.
was arrested for s*xually assault , charges was dismissed by prosecutors
can i still live in section8 or HUD ?
Are u allowed a pet .I am living in a camper but not for long I was also staying at moms now and then taking care of it I was hoping to get it in will but the state has taken it.Im still here and there for mow I’ve done application. I DONT KNOW WHEN THEYLL MAKE ME GO .I need a permanent home. I’M
I have a felony for assault and I have section8 now and I wanted to know will I lose my section8 when they do my redtermation will I get kicked off or will I be able to keep my section8
I do as well what happened with that if you dont mind me asking
Hello I have a domestic battery charge on my record due to a self defense fight with an ex boyfriend, the charge will be off my record when I’m done with my domestic battery classes in april, I fought back to get him off me and I was the one arrested and charged after defending myself, would I be able to get housing?
I got it with a felony for assault on law enforcement during a mental health crisis. I just got my voucher but am finding it difficult to find a place that accepts the voucher as well as my felony
I have a simple and attempt Robert it’s been over 5 years ago whould this stop. me
I’m sorry this happened to you. I know how you feel. It happened to me. .. Stay strong we’re going to make it.
Looking for housing for me and my children
I have an 8 year old felony conviction for battery to a cop in Wisconsin what are the chances of my being able to get into low income housing? I am also on SSDI for PTSD anxiety disorder osteoarthritis and depression
I live in a section 8 VOA clw fl the manager is a felon and one of the tenants has a burglary 6 yo he’s been hear for 3 years and steal from the other tenants and the manager protects him .
They steal all the food donations and don’t do their job’s
I have a felony for battery am I able to apply for housing assistance? I am currently on probation I will be off this year.
No felony but a 5 year old eviction, last place I rented before homeless, has prevented me from being able to use my countywide voucher in LA. I’m pretty sure I’ll be stuck with homeless status here in interim housing for a couple of more years until eviction falls off. I’ve been told a few times by the leasing agent it won’t be a problem only to get denied based on the eviction anyway. I have a worker and permanent disability. Hopefully in this time I can move from general relief program to SSI which would give me a little more room to breathe. Things could be much worse. It’s been defeating getting denied after seeing perfect little micro apartments in the city where I can thrive and get transportation to and from recovery, psychiatric care, grocery shopping, the beach and even finally have a companion dog. I dream to have a motorcycle one day. It’s been a long road and sometimes I fear the system is just broken. I made mistakes I cannot change. I can only do my best. If I could just move to Mortville now that the Queen is dead I would, for now Los Angeles will do.
Maybe someone can help me I’m doing a background check right now on my section 8 I have a felony from September 2015 now it’s a few months over the 5 years and they’re doing a background check on me you think I’ll get accepted? or I’ll still come up
Need housing for domestic violence.
This is my story , In the year of 2015 I live in these apartments throughout time I met this guy and he was on the s*x offender registry living in the same apartment complex where I was living with his Father, I stayed on a few floors higher throughout time we started dating he was very nice., went to school , and had a job putting his life together so I didn’t judge him we had gotten even closer as friends and was dating we encouraged each other and trouble wasnt anything that crossed his mind again.However , when his father got his voucher he couldn’t br paroled at his new address including none of his family addresses nor his grandmother from what they said , so I let him stay with me on the sense of thinking ot wouldn’t be a problem because he was paroled to the property already before we met and to this day the least this is how backwards they went when they evicted me stating for one he wasn’t supposed to be on the premises but he was already paroled there at his father before we met and he wasn’t on his father lease which they threw that at me and wasnt paying rent on his behalf then the housing department played it like they had no idea he was there and he was going to the office paying his father rent and things for him he didn’t do anything to anyone then they come with the lifetime registration but he been had been there I just till this didnt understand that there were so many people who liked him and didn’t see him as a threat at all and yes they flipped the whole script and I got evicted if he wasnt supposed to be on the premises why was even parole to the complex in the beginning so of course he would cross paths with different people not including me like he was They knew it they played it to cover there self when it came to the government and because they had the power they did what they did which I still dont think is fair at all especially when they knew and on top of that it wasnt like he was hiding or a threat I understand they have rules but the way they flipped it differently wasnt right and he would have been on the street they didn’t find out till after all this that he was eligible to live back with his grandmother at the time but when they checked it was to late , Had to move with her anyway because I had to move got evicted now I havent been able to get a place within the last three years true enough some people come out and go back in but there are truly some that dont do that and actually get there life together not reoffend and stay on top of what they need to do and now also truly some of these 15 and 16 even some younger messed with older boys and older men by choice and they get punished for it, some know what’s goin on and they like about I’m not saying all I’m saying some and that’s the truth…Hell I even dated older boys or guys by choice and I dint look at it that way some of these parents be knowing but just want to put the blame on the guys again I’m speaking on some not all ..Especially knowing they like a hot firecracker and they have to spend the rest of there life of bullcrap while trying to pick up the pieces and its sad… I’m just trying to find a place affordable and comfortable for us at least give them that chance to re invent themselves but there are some selfish people out here that give no chances to help or uplift and it’s a damn shame I just pray we can find something he’s a good hardworking family oriented guy and getting in trouble or reoffending is the very last thing that’s on his mind he ain’t trying to step back but continuing to move forward and he was 16 and 17 at the time all this occurred…conviction in 2008 did 7 yrs and came out
My question is I have a felony from 2015 (sales of a controlled substance (pills)). I went in did my time and did my parole without incident. I have two young daughters 13 and 16. I’m also seeking disability as my doctor has put me on permanent disability. I am currently on welfare. My mother who i currently live with has made some stupid choices lately and there is a very high probability we all will be kicked out of our home with in a month or so. I’m only worried about myself and my daughters. My question is were should I turn?
I live in NH, I am on the waitlist, my Fiancé doesn’t get released from Prison until next year 2022, problem is he has 2nd degree Felony assault charge for this time around is he automatically denied? We have a infant son. He is a recovering addict, will be doing Drug court and yeah.
More then likely you and the Infant can obtain housing. The boyfriend on the other hand I doubt it. HUD needs to know if the boyfriend can be trusted to have any kind of housing. It will be a difficult challenge.
He’s beat. Get rid of him. No point in waiting around or trying to help a piece of shit who will only pull you down harder. 🙂
I have an Felony Theft from 1991, and Felony DUI in 1999. I reside in Alabama. My mother is
77 Years old & disabled. I have no violent Felonys or Drug Charges. Would my Criminal Background bar me from living with her if she were to apply for HUD?
Yes. The theft charge tells the Federal Government and the state of Alabama you are a high risk. You had better hope your parent has their house paid for so you can inherit the house.
I have 3 felony’s for possession’s of methamphetamine. I am currently in residential/ behavioral treatment facility and have been for 10 months and I have been clean for over 16 months. Do you think they would accept my application in michigan?
Yes. Have a some kind of work history and good references.
Illinois is 100,% no
According to Federal Regulations there are two felonies that automatically disqualify you from federally funded low income and subsidized housing programs. If you have one of these, you should NOT bother applying.
1. You have a lifetime registration on the s*x offender registry
2. You have been convicted of the manufacture or production of methamphetamine (meth) in federally assisted housing
In my border state migrants and refugees can have what they want. A fine house and fine job and all of the food stamps and free medical care they need. Felons ZERO. They are permanetly homeless and jobless. They may or may not get food stamps. If they do it is $47.00 a month. How can anyone survive on that.
It depends on the state. Certain crimes make obtaining housing almost in possible.
According to Federal Regulations there are two felonies that automatically disqualify you from federally funded low income and subsidized housing programs. If you have one of these, you should NOT bother applying.
1. You have a lifetime registration on the s*x offender registry
2. You have been convicted of the manufacture or production of methamphetamine (meth) in federally assisted housing.
I have Oregon felonys for medical fraud that I never finished my sentience so
without going into detail I was in a very bad situation and I kind of made it worse by not having a lawer before going to case worker and that pretty much blew up in my face after I am the one who was being taking advantage of so once I had involved my issuesto case worker she had me contact a women who claimed to want to help me and I really intentionally thought they would help instead I was indited for fraud and was sentenced then let out for work release and couldn’t find child care so I just didnt go back and I had been convicted I have active Warrents for it has been almost 3 years and now I live in idaho and havnt been in trouble I have 4 year old son and I cant go back to Oregon and my attorney from Oregon said he would recommend not even coming back i owe 30 days so my problem is my felonys gonna keep me from housing. I got no where to live after winter is over
Try the state of Colorado. This state is more felony friendly then most. Give it a try. You never know.